Why good design matters

With the plethora of design programs available, the omnificent Google, and a “can do” attitude, we sometimes get challenged: why should I hire an agency for design work when I can do it in-house? Because there is design. And then there is design. Good design does more than just look pretty, it has meaning and strategy behind it:

  • There are thousands of pieces of competing literature floating around right now. You need to stand out with something that isn’t staid, done or template-created.
  • Typography, layout, and colours will present a specific impression of your product or service: good design minimizes elements that aren’t important, and highlights those that are.
  • Design needs to communicate opportunity and personality. You need to package your message, its experience and its promise, in a format that isn’t onerous to look at and peruse.
  • Words and visuals need to work together to get information across quickly and effectively. Strategic design communicates what cannot be expressed with words alone.
  • The impression of a concerted effort on your part to develop professional materials stresses the importance of your product or service. It increases its value in the eyes of potential customers.
  • An agency has experience in creating materials that capture attention by employing unique folds or finishes (but which don’t necessarily translate into expensive custom print runs).

Take advantage of professional graphic designers’ knowledge and expertise. I could not, and do not, want to do what our agency’s designers do. It is the purview of a gifted few. I’ll happily huddle in my writing niche.

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