Rebranding your company – Step 2: Discovery and Research

This is the second in a series outlining The Letter M’s methodology for a rebranding or brand refresh:

  1. Design audit
  2. Discovery
  3. Brand framework
  4. Brand development
  5. Implementation

In the first blog in this series (Step 1: Design Audit), a design audit was outlined as the first step in a strategic, informed and nuanced rebranding (or refreshing). Next is a thorough exploration of your organization’s personality, strengths, challenges and opportunities.

1. Your strongest ally in creating an effective brand is those who know you best:

  • Look at customer feedback from past surveys, anecdotal responses, social media comments, etc.
  • Connect directly with employees through one-on-one or staff meeting sessions
  • Gather new input by engaging customers, suppliers, consultants, etc.:
    • Workshops for managers/leaders
    • Focus groups with community leaders/organizations
    • Interviews with large customers
    • Surveys/questionnaires with community or customer groups

Questions will vary for each as their perspective and interaction with your organization differ. However, inquiries should address the four lenses of brand strategy.

2. Become familiar with how others (competitors and peers) are positioning themselves. How do they present their brand and/or key sub brands? What messaging and graphic representations do they use? How are they different from your organization, etc.?

3. Engage staff and organizational leaders in reviewing findings and feedback. Group discoveries into similar themes, noting key opportunities and recommendations.

Fulsome discovery/research is the second of five steps in ensuring a fresh and focused rebranding.  It defines the needs and cares of primary audiences, how your brand resonates with them, and how to differentiate and nuance your messaging. These provide key guideposts for audience and brand articulation, positioning and representation.

What’s next? A Brand Framework.

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