Logo Redesigns: Before & After (Part 2)

Last month, Julie shared three before and after logo designs. Here are three more we loved creating:

City of Guelph

No longer simply a small, agricultural town, the City of Guelph required a new image to reflect its changing demographics, innovative vision of its leaders and a warm community culture. Their new look is modern and innovative yet welcoming, integrating the community’s internationally-known reputation for environmental initiatives and exceptional innovation.


Bruce Telecom

Its new brand emphasizes Bruce Telecom’s position as a communications leader for the growing, modern customer and its commitment to the communities it serves. The logo update includes a warm, vibrant colour palette and a symbol designed to represent connectivity, future and technology.


Canadian Centre for Christian Charities

To replace a visual identity labelled as dated and traditional, the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (renamed as “Canadian Centre for Christian Charities”) embraced a visual brand that was more encompassing of audiences (and accessible), reflective of its key corporate traits, as well as bold, energetic and distinctive.

Canadian Council of Christian Charities Logo Before Rebrand
Canadian Centre for Christian Charities Logo After Rebrand
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